Occupational safety and labor protection
The health and safety of employees and the arrangement of comfortable working conditions at Interpipe are always our number one concern.
Interpipe constantly invests in occupational safety at its production facilities. Aggregate investments in 2019-2020 amounted to UAH 44.7 million. The list of activities includes the following:
- Restoration of fences;
- Installation of automatic alarms and blocking devices;
- Installation of additional steps and bridges;
- Repairs and modernization of equipment and working tools;
- Training of personnel on the World-Class Manufacturing principles;
- Purchase and installation of traffic control signs – both railway and automobile ones – at the territory of the production assets;
- Replacement and upgrade of electric bridge cranes and crane-beams;
- Purchase and installation of industrial air conditioners and split systems at the production shops;
- Capital repairs of floors in places of massive pedestrian traffic;
- Purchase and installation of dust collection equipment;
- Modernization of the heating systems
Interpipe fosters among its employees a culture of compliance with industrial safety rules and identification of risks at work. Every year, on the occasion of International Workers’ Memorial Day, competitions are held among employees for the best proposals for eliminating risks, as well as for the best site / team for work in the field of industrial safety.
The Company maintains controlled accountancy of all production incidents. In 2020, the annual injury rate (LTIFR) was 0.83, while in 2019 it was 0.57.
Interpipe NTRP Certificate ISO 45001 Interpipe NMPP Certificate ISO 45001 Interpipe Niko Tube Certificate ISO 45001