Factory site:
Interpipe Vtormet is one of the largest scrap-processing companies in Ukraine. Production facilities of this enterprise ensure processing of 1350 thousand tons of scrap a year. Interpipe Steel, the new hi-tech electric steel-melting complex, is the major consumer of Interpipe Vtormet products.
The list of company’s principal activities includes collection and processing of ferrous metal scrap, preparation of metal materials for furnace charges, and processing of steel-melting slag wastes.
Interpipe Vtormet is equipped with state-of-the-art production units and devices from the globally recognized manufacturers, ensuring the acceptance and processing of ferrous metal scrap of any thickness and shape.
Long-term successful experience of activities at the metal scrap collection and processing market allows the company to set advantageous prices, to ensure individual approach to every supplier, and to carry out highly qualified assessment of scrap during the acceptance process.
Major production shops of the company:
- Shop for integrated processing of scrap and metal wastes;
- Furnace charge processing shop;
- Slag processing shop; and
- Production and collection shops.
Factory site: